Thursday, 26 November 2015

Top 10 Tips for Designing an SEO Friendly Website

Nowadays, when the competition in the online world has been increased by many folds, you cannot just achieve your goals by having beautiful website designed and developed. Today, the need of an hour is beautiful website with SEO friendliness. Keeping this in mind, here we have Top 10 Tips for Designing an SEO Friendly Website. You should follow these tips to put you on the path to success.
Top 10 Tips for Designing an SEO Friendly Website
1.       Do not make it heavy: The first rule of website designing is “keep it light and flat in design”. If you will fill your website with heavy objects, it will take much longer time in loading, which will reduce its value for search engines and end users as well.

2.      Design should speak: Always try to design it in a clean way with limited menu options at top, followed by a big and clean banner matching the background color, and then display your valuable content only, which helps you to take your message to your readers. And, in the last, footer should be informative as well. If you have many menus then arrange them as Menu > Sub-menu.

3.      Navigation: Always add bread crumbs on pages and posts so that the users can easily navigate.

4.      Add navigation in footer for the most important links: If you feel that some of the most important pages and/or posts should have more impact on your readers, then add their links in the footer.

5.      Always use logo and favicon: If you want to put an impact on your readers’ mind that you are legitimate, then always use a logo and a favicon.

6.      Always be responsive: It is the time of mobile technology and more than 50% readers on the Internet use their mobiles, tabs, and other such devices to explore the World Wide Web. So, always, design a website that is compatible to all devices.

7.      Browser Compatibility: Always ensure that your website is compatible to different browsers. Also, ensure that it supports different versions of different browsers on different devices.

8.     Make use of H1, H2, and H3 tags: When writing titles for pages or posts, always use H1 tag followed by H2, and H3 tags for paragraph headings, etc. Using these tags is an important part of SEO.

9.      Always use Meta tag: When getting your website designed, always ensure that the designer keeps the importance of Meta tags in mind. They must not be ignored.

10.  URL Structure: An important part of SEO is the URL of a page or a post. Search engines use it to determine what the page is all about. So, set it to cover the most important keywords used in the title of the page or the post. Avoid using page ID in the URL structure. Also, try to keep it short.

These are the Top 10 Tips for Designing an SEO Friendly Website. Follow these tips and see impact.

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